Throwing a swinger party takes a good bit more planning and special considerations compared to throwing a vanilla party. Swinger sex parties are growing in popularity as more people become aware of this lifestyle option. If you want to throw a swinger sex party, read...

Planning your first swinger gangbang is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. You want everyone to be comfortable and enjoy it, including you and your partner. We've put together a list of a few things you should do before planning your first swinger gangbang. Download the...

Swinger body langugage is an important aspect in understanding communication within the swinging community. Between 50-70% of communication is done through non-verbal communication. Body language is so important that even when texting, we cannot help using emojis and gifs. It provides that extra piece of...

Today we are discussing how to spot swinger couples to avoid. Like in any dating situation, there are some couples who will suit your situation and others who won't. Your enjoyment of swinging dramatically depends on who you choose to be your swinging partners. Both...

What is swinging aftercare? If you're aware of BDSM, you might have heard this term before. In swinging, aftercare is essentially reconnecting with your partner after your swinging experience. Swinging is sexy fun, but sometimes we need to focus on less sexy things that are also...

Feminism and Swinging go hand in hand when it comes to empowering women sexually. The definition of Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. This essentially means viewing men and women equal in all aspects of...

How swinging can empower women is the topic of this article. Although many men introduce their wives to swinging, once in the scene, a lot of women actually take charge of the swinging dynamic Download the Blaxity App How Swinging Can Empower Women Female sexuality has long lived...